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How long can a person take antibiotics? It also depends on the type of infection you're treating. Most antibiotics should be taken for 7 to 14 days. In some cases, shorter treatments work just as well. Your doctor will decide the best length of treatment and correct antibiotic type for you.
Do antibiotics do more harm than good? Antibiotics Can Hurt Your Health If You Don't Have an Infection. If taken incorrectly, researchers believe antibiotics can do more harm than good. They can cause bacteria to become increasingly resistant to treatment, for example, and destroy healthy flora in the gut.
What is the best treatment for bacterial infection? To treat bacterial vaginosis, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications: Metronidazole (Flagyl, Metrogel-Vaginal, others). This medicine may be taken as a pill by mouth (orally). Clindamycin (Cleocin, Clindesse, others). Tinidazole (Tindamax).
What antibiotics work on Gram positive bacteria? Most infections due to Gram-positive organisms can be treated with quite a small number of antibiotics. Penicillin, cloxacillin, and erythromycin should be enough to cover 90 per cent of Gram-positive infections.
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